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Bitget Research: BlackRock's IBIT Daily Trading Volume Hits All-Time High, BTC Surpasses $57,000

Tommy & John
Bitget Research: BlackRock's IBIT Daily Trading Volume Hits All-Time High, BTC Surpasses $57,000

In the past 24 hours, many new popular tokens and topics have emerged in the market, and perhaps they will be the next focus of the market.

In Summary:

1.Popular Tokens:

ORDS (Token) - Ordiswap has launched a major update featuring a native L1 BRC-20 swap completed within 10 minutes. According to a tweet by the project, the basic fee is $0.87 with a processing time of 2 blocks. Ordiswap aims to become the Uniswap of the Bitcoin ecosystem. The price of ORDS has surged over the past two days.

TRAC (BRC-20 Token) - Tap Protocol, a protocol in the OrdFi ecosystem, announced on the X platform that the first airdrop snapshot for TRAC holders will occur on February 28. Eligible addresses may receive an airdrop of Tap Protocol's governance token, TAP.

BPET (Token) - The xPET project's PvP Beta has recently concluded, and PvP Season 1 has launched. Players can earn points through battles to share in the prize pool of PvP Season 1. The first season will last three months, with a total prize pool of $1 million, and rewards will be distributed weekly.

SYN (Token) - Synapse is a universal cross-chain liquidity network. It connects blockchains through a scalable cross-chain communication protocol that supports asset transfers and smart contract calls among others.

SLN (Token) - Smart Layer serves as middleware between chains and Web3 applications, combining the security of chains with the capability to execute complex Web3 business logic. This enables intricate interactions with various systems and tokens, introducing a novel concept to the current market. TGE for SLN has recently taken place, accompanied by an airdrop.

2.Popular NFTs:

NodeMonkes (NFT) - The recovery of the Bitcoin ecosystem has catalyzed heightened trading and value increases for NFTs on the Bitcoin chain, with the floor price of NodeMonkes quickly rising to 0.4 BTC.

Polyhedra 2024 (NFT) - Polyhedra Network released a new year commemorative NFT for 2024, featuring a dragon design. Each wallet address may claim one Polyhedra 2024 NFT on each of the following chains: BNB, opBNB, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, and Ethereum. The community speculated about a potential airdrop, attracting significant interest from users.

3.Popular DApps:

Blast (DApp) - The Layer 2 network Blast announced via Twitter that its mainnet will launch on February 29.

MarginFi (DApp) - A top-tier lending DApp on Solana, MarginFi previously introduced a points algorithm, where users engaging in staking, lending, and LSD projects within the application can earn points. Backed by Solana Ventures, Pantera Capital, and Multicoin Capital, there is high anticipation among users for an airdrop. The platform's points will soon be listed on the Whales Market’s Points Market.

zkSync Era (DApp) - According to L2BEAT data, the TVL in zkSync Era has rebounded to over $600 million. Following Starknet’s token launch, many investors have renewed their interest in zkSync. It is currently unclear if a snapshot has been taken, but this activity indicates high market expectations for the zkSync’s token launch.

StarryNift (DApp) - StarryNift is a gamified NFT platform and a one-stop shop that offers creation, incubation, auction, and trading for NFT collections. The vision of StarryNift is to create a gamified 3D virtual world, opening new avenues for creators, collectors, and investors to explore a virtual realm that combines games, art, DeFi, and NFTs. The project announced its tokenomics last December, with plans for a token launch.

4.Twitter Hot Topics:

Parcl (DApp) - Parcl is the first decentralized trading platform focused on real estate, aiming to create a liquidity market around the world's largest asset class. The Solana-based real estate marketplace has announced its native protocol token. Aevo has launched futures for PARCL, currently priced at $0.95.

Gearbox (DApp) - Gearbox Protocol is a leverage lending protocol that introduces the concept of Leverage as a Service. Its vision is that users of various needs will be able to borrow on Gearbox without having to interact directly with the interfaces of any other protocols, enabling them to trade, mine, and arbitrage. Gearbox Protocol's ETH lending pool currently offers a yield of over 22%, which, due to the surge in yield, has attracted significant attention and was promoted by multiple influencers. Gearbox's TVL has seen rapid growth, currently exceeding $86.58 million, with a monthly increase of over 100%.

5.Regional Trending Searches:

XVG (Token) - Verge is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency project centered on decentralized transactions and maintaining network hash power by protecting user privacy. It obscures users' IP addresses, making transactions completely untraceable. In the past 24 hours, XVG open interest on Binance has risen to $25,048,300, an increase of 54.83%.

THETA (Token) - The decentralized streaming platform Theta Network has announced plans to launch the first phase of its cloud computing platform, EdgeCloud, on May 1. The announcement has positively impacted the token, leading to a 54.5% increase on the same day.

Main Body

Written by: Bitget Research

Data collection time: February 27, 10:30 AM

Data sources: Dune, DApps, Twitter, Google


1) New active users: Refers to wallet addresses that were newly created on the chain in the past 24 hours and had interactions on the chain.

2) Existing active users: Refers to wallet addresses that were created on the chain 24 hours ago and had interactions on the chain in the past 24 hours.

3) DApp daily activity (UAW: unique active wallets)

4) TGE (Token Generation Event)

5) In this report, the term "Entity" refers to both Contract Account (CA) and Ethereum Original Account (EOA), and is not a result of the aggregation of actual entity addresses.

1.BTC Profile - BRC-20

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TRAC (BRC-20 Token) - Tap Protocol, a protocol in the OrdFi ecosystem, announced on the X platform that the first airdrop snapshot for TRAC holders will occur on February 28. Eligible addresses may receive an airdrop of Tap Protocol's governance token, TAP.

2.Blockchain Profile - ETH Chain

2.1 User Profile

2.1.1 Core Data

Total active users on ETH: 506,629

New active users on ETH: 101,519, with a daily increase of 6.42%

Existing active users on ETH: 405,110, with a daily increase of 5.48%

2.1.2 New User Profile

Core data: There were a total of 101,519 new active users on ETH yesterday, with a daily increase of 6.42%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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SLN (Token) - Smart Layer serves as middleware between chains and Web3 applications, combining the security of chains with the capability to execute complex Web3 business logic. This enables intricate interactions with various systems and tokens, introducing a novel concept to the current market. TGE for SLN has recently taken place, accompanied by an airdrop.

2.1.3 Existing User Profile

Core data: The number of ETH active existing users is 405,110, with a daily increase of 5.48%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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No new popular contracts on the Ethereum chain.

2.2 Popular Trading Pairs

2.2.1 Uniswap V2

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ORDS (Token) - Ordiswap has launched a major update featuring a native L1 BRC-20 swap completed within 10 minutes. According to a tweet by the project, the basic fee is $0.87 with a processing time of 2 blocks. Ordiswap aims to become the Uniswap of the Bitcoin ecosystem. The price of ORDS has surged over the past two days.

2.2.2 Uniswap V3

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SYN (Token) - Synapse is a universal cross-chain liquidity network. It connects blockchains through a scalable cross-chain communication protocol that supports asset transfers and smart contract calls among others.

2.3 Popular NFTs

2.3.1 Top NFT Collections

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NodeMonkes (NFT) - The recovery of the Bitcoin ecosystem has catalyzed heightened trading and value increases for NFTs on the Bitcoin chain, with the floor price of NodeMonkes quickly rising to 0.4 BTC.

3.Blockchain Profile - BSC

3.1 User Profile

3.1.1 Core Data

Total active users on BSC: 1,415,754

New active users on BSC: 205,676, with a daily decrease of 0.06%

Existing active users on BSC: 1,210,078, with a daily increase of 8.03%

3.1.2 New User Profile

Core data: There were a total of 205,676 new active users on BSC yesterday, with a daily decrease of 0.06%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Polyhedra 2024 (NFT) - Polyhedra Network released a new year commemorative NFT for 2024, featuring a dragon design. Each wallet address may claim one Polyhedra 2024 NFT on each of the following chains: BNB, opBNB, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, and Ethereum. The community speculated about a potential airdrop, attracting significant interest from users.

3.1.3 Existing User Profile

Core data: The number of BSC active existing users is 1,210,078, with a daily increase of 8.03%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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QnA3 (DApp) - The project’s TGE will soon take place. The AI project QnA3.AI announced on social media its first round of token airdrop promotion, where interaction records and credits will determine users' share of the airdrop, targeting active participants, participants with outstanding interactive performance, and global ambassadors. QnA3 is an AI-driven, one-stop Web3 knowledge engine and trading portal, where users can ask questions to AI or vote on questions.

3.2 Popular Trading Pairs

3.2.1 PancakeSwap V2

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Audi (Token) - A token on BSC with high trading activity in the past 24 hours, currently lacking basic information such as community and social media accounts. The 24-hour DEX trading volume is $3 million, with 15.27K transactions over the same period. There is a modifiable 3% transaction tax, and the contract ownership has not been renounced, requiring caution.

4.Blockchain Profile - Polygon Chain

4.1 User Profile

4.1.1 Core Data

Total active users on Polygon: 1,078,727

New active users on Polygon: 139,726, with a daily decrease of 18.19%

Existing active users on Polygon: 939,001, with a daily increase of 0.07%

4.1.2 New User Profile

Core data: There were a total of 139,726 new active users on Polygon yesterday, with a daily decrease of 18.19%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Matr1x Pioneer Badge (NFT) - The Matr1x Pioneer Badge Collection was issued to celebrate the participants of the MAX Score airdrop promotion. Basic badges are awarded to all users who participate in the promotion, symbolizing active participation in the Matr1x community. Premium badges are awarded to those who make exceptional contributions. Matr1x Pioneer Badges will be redeemable for a mystery reward at the promotion's conclusion. There are currently 232,000 holders.

4.1.3 Existing User Profile

Core Data: The number of Polygon active existing users is 939,001, with a daily increase of 0.07%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Merkly (DApp) - Merkly is a multifunctional Omnichain platform, aiming to simplify bridging through the groundbreaking technology of LayerZero. The purpose of the refuel contract is to provide gas fees for chains without gas by using a swap and cross-chain method.

4.2 Popular Trading Pairs

4.2.1 Uniswap V3

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There are no new popular trading pairs on Polygon.

5.Blockchain Profile - Arbitrum Chain

5.1 User Profile

5.1.1 Core Data

Total Active Users on Arbitrum: 222,212

New Active Users on Arbitrum: 51,094, with a daily increase of 19.32%

Existing Active Users on Arbitrum: 171,118, with a daily increase of 1.37%

5.1.2 New User Profile

Core data: There were a total of 51,094 new active users on Arbitrum yesterday, with a daily increase of 19.32%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Orbiter (DApp) - The cross-chain bridge project Orbiter Finance has announced on X that it will launch its native token this year as a gesture of gratitude to its loyal community. The project also stated that it will gradually unveil the tokenomics and distribution plan, ensuring a fair process. The O-Points program will play a crucial role in establishing airdrop rules.

5.1.3 Existing User Profile

Core data: The number of Arbitrum active existing users is 171,118, with a daily increase of 1.37%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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XAI (Token, DApp) - A gaming Layer 3 project in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Xai is a permissionless Orbit chain leveraging the Arbitrum Nitro technology stack, bringing an innovative, game-centric third layer to the gaming industry. The project announced that its XAI staking system v1 will launch next week, with v2 set to go live in March.

5.2 Popular Trading Pairs

5.2.1 Uniswap V3

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BPET (Token) - The xPET project's PvP Beta has recently concluded, and PvP Season 1 has launched. Players can earn points through battles to share in the prize pool of PvP Season 1. The first season will last three months, with a total prize pool of $1 million, and rewards will be distributed weekly.

6.Blockchain Profile - Base Chain

6.1 User Profile

6.1.1 Core Data

Total Active Users on Base: 105,346

New Active Users on Base: 18,117, with a daily decrease of 17.51%

Existing Active Users on Base: 87,229, with a daily decrease of 10.07%

6.1.2 New User Profile

Core data: There were a total of 18,117 new active users on Base yesterday, with a daily decrease of 17.51%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Layer3 CUBE (NFT) - Layer3 CUBE (Credentials to Unify Blockchain Events) is a multi-chain certification standard that authenticates digital experiences across DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and social domains. Designed for a wide range of applications, CUBE enables seamless integration and data analytics in the evolving crypto landscape.

6.1.3 Existing User Profile

Core data: The number of Base active existing users is 87,229, with a daily decrease of 10.07%

Popular Sectors

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Popular Projects

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Odos (DApp) - The Odos Protocol stands out as the first Dex aggregator that allows users to swap multiple tokens for a single asset in one atomic transaction. This system facilitates the exchange of a basket of input tokens for the desired output in one go, saving on gas fees and mitigating market volatility. The project has not yet launched its token, offering an opportunity to interact early for a potential airdrop.

7.DApp Ecosystem - All Chains

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Matr1x Fire (DApp) -The global testing server for the FPS blockchain game "MATR1X FIRE" officially began testing on January 29, attracting over 70,000 global FPS players within just the first three days. Currently, it has nearly 30,000 daily active users (DAU) with an average online duration of 57 minutes.

8.DApp Ecosystem - ETH Chain

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Blast (DApp) - The Layer 2 network Blast announced via Twitter that its mainnet will launch on February 29.

9.DApp Ecosystem - BSC

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StarryNift (DApp) - StarryNift is a gamified NFT platform and a one-stop shop that offers creation, incubation, auction, and trading for NFT collections. The vision of StarryNift is to create a gamified 3D virtual world, opening new avenues for creators, collectors, and investors to explore a virtual realm that combines games, art, DeFi, and NFTs. The project announced its tokenomics last December, with plans for a token launch.

10.DApp Ecosystem - Polygon Chain

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Yuliverse (DApp) - Yuliverse has established a new investment partnership with DWF Labs. Yuliverse is a free-to-play blockchain metaverse game that combines GameFi and SocialFi elements, utilizing NFTs and the cryptocurrencies ARG and ART. It enhances social interaction and engagement and allows players to explore the real world and build connections. Yuliverse's game mechanics include elements of earning potential, providing a unique gaming experience for players.

11.DApp Ecosystem - Solana Chain

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MarginFi (DApp) - A top-tier lending DApp on Solana, MarginFi previously introduced a points algorithm, where users engaging in staking, lending, and LSD projects within the application can earn points. Backed by Solana Ventures, Pantera Capital, and Multicoin Capital, there is high anticipation among users for an airdrop. The platform's points will soon be listed on the Whales Market’s Points Market.

12.DApp Ecosystem - Arbitrum Chain

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WOOFi (DApp) - The cryptocurrency trading platform WOO X completed a $9 million financing round to improve liquidity. Investors include Wintermute, Time Research, Presto Labs, Pulsar, AlphaLab Capital, Efficient Frontier, Amber, and Riverside Hedge. Only market makers, rather than traditional venture capital funds, participated in this round, to boost WOO X's liquidity.

13.DApp Ecosystem - Base Chain

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Odos was described earlier in the report.

14.DApp Ecosystem - GameFi Sector Across All Chains

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Matr1x Fire was described earlier in the report.

15.Gas Fee Consumption - ETH Chain

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zkSync Era (DApp) - According to L2BEAT data, the TVL in zkSync Era has rebounded to over $600 million. Following Starknet’s token launch, many investors have renewed their interest in zkSync. It is currently unclear if a snapshot has been taken, but this activity indicates high market expectations for the zkSync’s token launch.

16.Gas Fee Consumption - BSC

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QnA3 (DApp) - The project’s TGE will soon take place. The AI project QnA3.AI announced on social media its first round of token airdrop promotion, where interaction records and credits will determine users' share of the airdrop, targeting active participants, participants with outstanding interactive performance, and global ambassadors. QnA3 is an AI-driven, one-stop Web3 knowledge engine and trading portal, where users can ask questions to AI or vote on questions.

17.Gas Fee Consumption - Polygon Chain

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CoinTool: Xen Batch Minter (DApp) - A renowned on-chain toolbox extensively utilized on the Polygon network. Its XEN Batch Minter feature assists users in batch-minting XEN tokens.

18.Gas Fee Consumption - Arbitrum Chain

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Vertex (DApp) - Vertex is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol based on Arbitrum, offering cross-margin trading services. It integrates spot, perpetual contracts, and money markets into one application. It is currently the most active derivatives platform on Arbitrum.

19.Gas Fee Consumption - Base Chain

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No new popular projects on the Base chain.

20.Top Trending Projects on Twitter

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Parcl (DApp) - Parcl is the first decentralized trading platform focused on real estate, aiming to create a liquidity market around the world's largest asset class. The Solana-based real estate marketplace has announced its native protocol token. Aevo has launched futures for PARCL, currently priced at $0.95.

Gearbox (DApp) - Gearbox Protocol is a leverage lending protocol that introduces the concept of Leverage as a Service. Its vision is that users of various needs will be able to borrow on Gearbox without having to interact directly with the interfaces of any other protocols, enabling them to trade, mine, and arbitrage. Gearbox Protocol's ETH lending pool currently offers a yield of over 22%, which, due to the surge in yield, has attracted significant attention and was promoted by multiple influencers. Gearbox's TVL has seen rapid growth, currently exceeding $86.58 million, with a monthly increase of over 100%.

21.Google Trends - Global

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XVG (Token) - Verge is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency project centered on decentralized transactions and maintaining network hash power by protecting user privacy. It obscures users' IP addresses, making transactions completely untraceable. In the past 24 hours, XVG open interest on Binance has risen to $25,048,300, an increase of 54.83%.

THETA (Token) - The decentralized streaming platform Theta Network has announced plans to launch the first phase of its cloud computing platform, EdgeCloud, on May 1. The announcement has positively impacted the token, leading to a 54.5% increase on the same day.

22.Google Trends Surge - East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

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a) South Asia Region

India Trends: iq, lrc

Pakistan Trends: pixels, png, btc

b) Southeast Asia Region

Vietnam Trends: btc, velocore

Philippines Trends: mantle, slp, xvg, pixel

Singapore Trends: pepe, bitcoin, flare, comp

Indonesia Trends: eth

c) East AsiaTrends: Crypto news

23.Google Trends Surge - English-speaking Countries, Europe, CIS Region

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Bitget Research: BlackRock's IBIT Daily Trading Volume Hits All-Time High, BTC Surpasses $57,000 image 46

a) CIS RegionTrends: basino, avail, sei

b) English-speaking Countries

Australia Trends: ait, xrp, theta, olas, flux

UK Trends: ar, vet, avail, xcn

USA Trends: vet, avail, xcn

Canada Trends: axl, acx, pep, cro, opsec

c) Europe

France Trends: cau, rsr, cgpt, rune, dar

Poland Trends: flr, cro, btc, comp

Switzerland Trends: sol, xrp, ankr, gala, coti, pepe

Türkiye Trends: xrp

Germany Trends: euler, rose, nexo, amp, pixels

Italy Trends: mantle, celo, theta

24. Google Trends Surge - Middle East, Latin America, Africa

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Bitget Research: BlackRock's IBIT Daily Trading Volume Hits All-Time High, BTC Surpasses $57,000 image 48

a) Africa

South Africa Trends: myro, bitcoin

b) Middle EastTrends: agc

c) Latin America

Brazil Trends: solana, arkm, imx, ldo

Argentina Trends: hedera, verge, solana, cake

Mexico Trends: shib

Reference Links

Dune On-Chain Data Dashboard - Blockchain Profile:

Dune On-Chain Data Dashboard - Gas Consumption: